Everything is affected by the digital revolution in our lives including health care systems. The opportunities for interdisciplinary digital health research bringing together computer science to dramatically improve health and well being of individuals and populations.

Recent technological advances enabled by creation of real-time big data streams, social media, participatory and context aware systems and infectious disease modeling are the focus of public health information with the aim to achieve an integration with the existing national and international healthcare surveillance services.

Our focus in healthcare is on an integrated smart digital system covering:

Integrated Patient Health Record System at National, City and hospital levels for service to the public at hospitals, Diagnostic laboratories and Pharmacies in the network.

Point of Care Planning covers patients’ entry in the system, digital transcription of treatment at doctor’s office to automatically updates patients record, hospital’s records and doctors record, follow up and rescheduling of patient visits.

Telemedicine System Remote visit for direct patient doctor interaction from anywhere to anywhere. Implementation of wearables for remote diagnostics.

Hospital / Doctor Management Complete inventory of all healthcare staff throughout the nation, city or within the system. This will work in conjunction with Integrated Patient Health Record System to increase service delivery, reduce number of office visits and improve public health.


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